
Signe Djt-Gilda.
Faerie. Aether.

Case open, case shut

But you could pay to close it like a casket

Baby boy can't lift his headache head
Isn't it tragic?

play guide.

Signe Djt-Gilda.
Faerie. Aether.



  1. My lore knowledge isn't the best so please be kind. I won't expect you to be perfect on lore! There's just a lot to this game and my brain is only so big.

  2. I work and run a server so I might be a little spotty. Please be respectful! In-game roleplay is kind of hard for me to do because of my wonky hours so discord is the best way to contact me! My discord username is emetwol.

  3. This really isn't a rule per say but a warning, I'm not the best speller so if I misspell something please be kind! It was 100% an accident.

Hello! Thank you for reading up on my little meow meow! I had the idea for Signe one day and he just stuck around in my head like a fungus till I fleshed him out!Like I said in my rules, my replies can be spotty so please be patient with me! I am always down to chat and talk about headcanons and just lore and shit, I love hearing about other people's meow meows too.The best way to get in contact with me is through my discord or if I'm online and you see me, just shoot me a tell!

Case open, case shut

But you could pay to close it like a casket

Baby boy can't lift his headache head
Isn't it tragic?


Fresh pressed suit and tie

  name.    Signe Djt-Gilda.
  age.    184.
  race.    Rava Viera.
  birthday / nameday.   Fourth Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon. (12/4)
  astrological sign / guarding deity.     Sagittarius | Althyk.
  gender.     Cis Male.
  pronouns.     He/Him.
  sexuality.     Pansexual.

  height.     6'1.
  weight.     206 lbs.
  hair color.     Deep solid black.
  eye color.     One eye is a deep ocean blue, the other is almost solid black.
  skin tone.     Rich sepia.
  notable features.     His body is littered with deep scaring from various fights with animals and other people. He also has quite a few tribal inspired tattoos.

  job occupation.    Trained lancer, currently owns his own pawn shop.
  place of origin.     The Golmore Jungle.
  home.    Kugane.
  affiliation.     Golmore Wood Warders (Previously).
  family.    One wife back in the village. (Assumed divorced since banishment.)
One son and three girls with said wife. (Involuntarily disowned due to banishment.)
  marital status.     Single.

  d&d alignment.     Neutral Evil.
  mbti.     ENTJ.
  likes.     Reading. Being in charge. Making gil. Braised pork belly with a huge bowl of rice.
  dislikes.     Loud mouth punks. Disrespect. Fake gold.
  virtues.     Charity.
  flaws.     Wrath. Pride.

Unimpressed birds sing and die

  personality.     It's hard to tell what's going on with Signe at first glance. Even at a lively party or outing with friends, he seems to be always watching. Whenever his eyes scan over you, it's like he's sizing you up, even if you don't pose any form of threat. This isn't personal, per say, just habit. While he doesn't shy away from speaking to anyone, he can be a little abrasive till he get's to know you. Having lived almost two centuries, he can struggle bonding with non-vieras but this doesn't mean he won't. In fact, many of his closest companions and business partners are of different race.Once you are on his good side, he can be warm and inviting. Silently protective, never one to flaunt it in your face but you will know he's there or has been there. If you need someone taken care of via violent means, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Despite having a darker side, Signe can be surprisingly kind to people he takes under his wing. He also has quite a soft spot for children, evident of the small jar of candy he keeps on the counter of his shop.Those few people in his intimate circle get to know a special side of Signe that is all in their business. Constantly fretting over where they are or how they're doing. His love language is acts of service and the way he obsesses over his friends and companions is clear proof of it. He'll check in at least once a day and if he doesn't hear from them, he'll head over. He will be in your business and there is nothing you can do about it. Suddenly he's fretting over your health, your posture, have you gotten enough fresh air today? All of it might seem like a lot, but it's his own little special way of showing love.He may be in better control of his emotions but that still doesn't mean he doesn't occasionally struggle. He still partakes in illegal activities, selling drugs, weapons, and stolen goods out of his pawn shop. He has a very bad habit of undercutting and lying to people trying to sell their items. It's admittedly shady but where else are they going to go?Signe is also no-nonsense when it comes to getting things done. Procrastination doesn't exist to him. Things will be done right then. He may be considered a little bit 'obsessive compulsive' but he'd argue it's completely normal.

headcanon one. Even though he was banished from the forest, Signe still keeps his Wood-Warder surname. He earned it so he sees no reason to drop it despite no longer be affiliated.
headcanon two. He has a soft spot for children and single mothers. If he suspects someone is a single mother in need, he will offer whatever help he can.
headcanon three. He thinks about his children often. He figures his ex-wife has found someone new in his absence and he holds no ill-will towards her. He really misses his kids though.

headcanon four.He's become an avid fan of pork in his time in city. Be it braised pork belly or tonkatsu, if a dish as pork in it he's more than likely a fan.
headcanon five.Signe is an avid reader and is both a fan of fiction and nonfiction. Within his pawnshop and living space, there's books stacked and lined up on various bookshelves. He's read almost all of them and his supply is quickly getting replenished each time he goes to the market. There is a 50/50 chance he'll give you a book if you ask for it. It depends solely on if he liked it or not.
headcanon six. He tries not to think about the fact he's outlived some people he has known.

headcanon seven. He stayed monogamous to his ex-wife but he isn't against poly relationships, he just really liked her.
headcanon eight. He isn't particularly religious and low-key pretends to worship the Kami because it's socially accepted. He'd identify more as agnostic.
headcanon nine. He's been known to feed strays outside his shop. There is a little bowl of water and food tucked along the side of the building.

headcanon ten. Signe will 'chin' people like a rabbit, marking them with his scent. If he smells another rabbit on someone, he will become incredibly jealous. You know other viera?
headcanon eleven. He has a decent spice tolerance. Higher than most but not the highest. Even if something was too spicy he'd try to power through it.
headcanon twelve. He would be open to having kids again. He's still got a hundred and some more years to live and can afford them.

Can talk my way out of anything

social skills★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

Case open, case shut

But you could pay to close it like a casket

Baby boy can't lift his headache head
Isn't it tragic?


LORE : origin .

Signe Helvig was always hotheaded growing up, lacking any stable family unit during his childhood. His mother passed when he was very young due to an attack on his home village. His father also never returned from his time in the jungle, leading others to believe he also perished. Signe was passed around from family to family, fostered by whoever had the spaces and resources for him.He wasn't exactly the easiest to raise either. Signe never wanted to listen and didn't get along with most children, often getting into fist fights with the other boys. Truth be told, the young viera was frustrated with life and only knew how to took it out on others.He also craved some kind of control and consistency that he just could never get. His whole life was at the mercy of people he probably knew for only a few months before they either got tired of him or was simply too overwhelmed.The day he was finally old enough to be taken out of the village to fulfil his duties was a blessing for not only him but everyone else.

He thrived in training. He loved nothing more than taking down beasts twice his size, losing himself in the sheer excitement of it all. Signe took up a lance and defended the forest with all his might, surviving and eventually earning himself the title of a Wood-Warder. He burned brightly, leaving destruction in his wake, thus also earning the new surname Djt-GildaSummers pass and years fly by like they're nothing. Every so often, he'd journey back to the village with the others, sporting new deep scars and stories. On one of his visits, he met a nice viera woman and bonded with her. She would eventually bare him four children. Even if he couldn't be there as often as he liked, he always held a soft spot for his kids, knowing what it was like to grow up with no one. Signe would bring back little trinkets he could manage to keep from his jungle life as little gifts for them.Once Syver, his only son, comes of age, he takes him off to the jungle to train him himself. The kid deserves only the best and well...he's the best.

LORE : a fathers love .

Old habits die hard. Despite having an outlet for his deep seeded rage, it doesn't mean Signe didn't still cause problems. As his son trained and earned his own title, Rehw-Gilda, his father soon found himself having more and more...internal enemies. Even though tradition urged warders to live alone, Signe was always close by, watching.He knew was it was like to have no one in your corner. Mysteriously, a handful of warders were found deceased. It wasn't suspicious at first, the life of a wood-warder was deadly in itself. Upon further inspection the remains all shared the same kind of injuries. Puncture wounds. This wasn't the work of an animal, this was the work of a person.Signe wasn't the best with talking about his feelings, nearing a hundred and still not emotionally mature. Still, he had good intentions, in a way. Any time a fellow warder encroached a little too close to the territory watched by him or his son, he figured the best way to deal with this threat was by force. The balance of nature or the elements didn't matter to him anymore. He'd stopped hearing the words of the forest a long time ago.

Signe was playing with fire. He'd grown more careless with time, springing from the trees and spearing unaware vieras just trying to survive. Some would call his actions 'heartless'. These men also had families, loved ones, feelings of their own. He just couldn't see it that way, caring about only himself and his own.One day, the other wood-warders confront him. He was surrounded, weapons drawn and raised by fellow men he'd know for over a century. Signe considered taking them on, turning the treetops into a bloodbath but he knew he was overpowered. Through grit teeth, he tried to make excuses. Blamed dead men who couldn't tell their own stories. All while his son watches on, torn.No matter the exaggerated story, he was caught and cornered. It was a near unanimous decision to banish him from the only home he knew. Signe was allowed one last glance at his son before he was chased out of the jungle.This would be the last time they ever saw eachother.

LORE : a lesson hard learned .

He was orphaned again. The next few years were a blur to the viera, switching into survival mode. If he didn't think, he wouldn't completely lose himself to despair. Something he'd worked for was gone in an instant and as hard as he tried, he could no longer feel the connection to the forest, his home, or his family. Signe floated around the far east like a ghost, taking whatever jobs he could just to make it. Luckily, he was brawny and well-built, so it was easy to find work. He eventually makes his way to Kugane and takes a decent paying job at the docks lifting and moving cargo.City life was a new experience for him and he struggled to adapt to not only it but the people he was interacting with. It was hard to relate with people from completely different backgrounds and generations. One particular co-worker was, for the lack of a better term, annoying. The rava isn't a fan of people who didn't listen or follow his presumed authority.After a night of too many beers and not enough good sense, the two of got into a verbal altercation. He slips off into the night...

And comes back with a weapon in hand. Blood sprays in the salty air around the docks, leaving speckles dotted along the old wood. Like the other's, this man is silenced. Signe tosses him off the docks.It takes a few days for his body to be discovered and everyone starts pointing fingers. Every witness report rings the same, Signe was the last person seen with the deceased. His belongings are searched and the murder weapon is found. He's promptly arrested.The trial is short. He doesn't deny his actions but swears his was provoked. The viera is charged with first degree murder and sentenced to forty-five years imprisonment.Oddly enough, he thrives in prison. In a safe and controlled environment, he spends his years picking up a love for reading and learning. During his incarceration, he read nearly a thousand books. Signe also kept up a solid work-out routine, improving his already solid physique.

LORE : moving on .

His sentence would have meant death for the average person but given his viera vitality, he's able to finish his punishment. A few members of the court aren't exactly pleased with this, arguing he should have served longer since viera's live so much longer than the average person. Taking up his own defense, he argues his own case. Why should a viera do more time than the run of the mill hyur for the same crime?His point is accepted and he's allowed to be free in society once again. It feels...good. Unbound by duty and far more mentally sound, he turns his sights to the future. He's just twenty summers shy of turning the big two hundred and he wanted a much slower life.One of his favorite genre of books were the ones about collectables, jewels, and fine metals. This knowledge became very useful when he spotted something marked dirt cheap in the local markets. The high of buying and selling was addictive. Signe would be the first one at estate sales and secondhand shops, trying to find the next diamond in the rough.

Once he'd saved up enough money, the rava turned to business, opening his own pawn shop. He's grown quite a following, know to take just about anything that wasn't complete garbage. This attracted all different types, especially the seedy folks looking for a quick way to rid themselves of stolen goods. He didn't care, business is business. If he knows something is stolen, he's more apt to undercut the price. The best he can do is one hundred gil.He does deal with various...illegal substances and items. Despite being the occasional drug user, he isn't one to completely indulge in his stock. Everything is kept secretly in the back stock room. You may purchase anything you like as long as you aren't a narc.Currently, Signe can be found tending to his shop. Frequently wiping off the glass counter and adjusting how things sit on the shelf just right. He knows the exact date your pawn will expire. It will be out for sale on that day. When business is slow, you can catch him sporting a small pair of reading glasses as he engrosses himself in another novel.

Case open, case shut

But you could pay to close it like a casket

Baby boy can't lift his headache head
Isn't it tragic?


The foreman reads the verdict

hook one. Signe would be interested in meeting over displaced Wood-Warders, rava or veena.hook two. Even though he doesn't talk to his kids, he'd be able to bond with people who had/have children. Parent-to-parent communication.hook three. Given is past issues with the law, he's nonjudgmental of MOST criminals. Child abusers and anyone convicted of sexual crimes will be thrown off the nearest dock.

hook four. Signe is always down to talk about books and different obscure subjects.hook five. Anyone whose spent jail time can bond with him via a shared experience. He's not against talking about his time in prison or his crime.hook six. He enjoys a nice night on the town and won't turn down bar hopping. Whether he's allowed in some places is another subject.

hook seven. He's willing to do a little drugs and HAS done a little drugs. He has drugs for sale out of the back of his pawn shop but is very much against doing his own stash. That's for money.hook eight. He likes people who don't have an issue with him being in control. Whatever the situation is, he's the boss of it.hook nine. If you have any cool collectables, he wants to see them ASAP.

hook ten. He's always going to be interested in talking to other vieras.hook eleven. He's a neat freak so he'll enjoy being around someone with the same values. This doesn't mean he won't interact with anyone whose messy, in fact, it would probably be funny.hook twelve. He's decent at cooking and is more than willing to share his prison food hacks.

Case open, case shut

But you could pay to close it like a casket

Baby boy can't lift his headache head
Isn't it tragic?


"In the above entitled actions we find the defendant-"

Kerttu Helvig


  summary.     Signe's ex-wife and the mother of all his children. He has nothing but good things to say about her and hopes she's found happiness since his banishment.

Lilja Helvig


  summary.     Signe's oldest daughter. She's kept all the little trinkets her father has brought back even after his banishment. She can't bring herself to throw them away.

Tuva Helvig


  summary.     Signe's second daughter. A bit of a troublemaker. She takes after her father quite a bit. It seems like hot-headed is a genetic trait.

Lynnea Helvig


  summary.     Signe's youngest daughter. She didn't bond with him as much as the others and feels as if she doesn't have a father. Holds resentment towards him but won't admit she likes hearing stories about what he was like.

Syver Rehw-Gilda


  summary.     He misses his father terribly and wonders if he's still out there in the jungle. He can only hope one day he finds his way back to the trees. He's faced judgement from his fellow Wood-Warders because of his father and is rarely called upon.

Callie Dyonia

pawn shop regular / FWB

  summary.     Callie is a frequent customer of his pawn shop, bringing it whatever stolen goods she has. He undercuts her quite a bit but he also knows for a fact what she has is stolen so he's already doing her a favor.

Tahir Najjar

Partner, boyfriend.

  summary.     When Signe has a little free time, he's usually seen hanging out with Tahir. They frequently eat dinner together and stay at each others houses. It's clear Signe has a soft spot for him.

Choro Doragon

pawn shop regular / FWB

  summary.     Signe sees Choro around his shop semi-frequently. Occasionally he buys things and doesn't know the significance of them and it drives Signe crazy. The cat boy charm is irresistible though.

Nasena Kojou

Partner, girlfriend.

  summary.     When she isn't deep in some random cave, Signe enjoys spending time with Nasena and looking over the things she's brought back from her treasure hunting. He wishes she'd be more careful though.

Nikunja Shah

Partner, boyfriend

  summary.     Originally, Nikunja was just an old friend of Tahir who came to visit him in Kugane. Though jealous at first, Signe has become fond of Nikunja, even if he bullies him a little bit. It's okay, Nik likes it. (A lot.)

character name

relationship type

  summary.     summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name

relationship type

  summary.     summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

Case open, case shut

But you could pay to close it like a casket

I am the rot and the ache beneath your skin!
I am the angel sent down from above!


Signe is a dominant top with no specific gender preference.No lalafells under any circumstances.

GALLERY : photos .